Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The food part of the day...

See previous post for One Year Anniversary of the Diet pics!

Food today was light. I was pretty busy at work and it just happened. Breakfast was a Fiber One oats and caramel bar. Lunch was a South Beach pepperoni pizza. Afternoon snack was a fat free yogurt. Dinner was scrounging through the freezer/pantry for whatever I could find...lol We ended up having an italian grilled chicken breast with some ketchup on the side, Lipton herb and butter rice (no butter added), and green beans. And an evening snack of a chocolate pudding. However I realized I overcalculated the rice, and was under 1200 cals, so I had some grapes this evening to bump me up to 1202 calories eaten.

Output: I got up early this morning and did the WATP 32 minute two mile. Then at lunch I took a 15 minute brisk walk around Walmart to finish my time up. I also did some dancing around the house this evening with my headphones on. And I'm apparently not very good at guessing how many cals I'll burn because my first edit of this said 2800...then 2900...then 3000. I ended up hitting 3177 cals burned for the day...lol

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