Sunday, November 30, 2008

Struggling right now

Its hard to keep your focus when you are in a plateau, doing all the right things, and your body just will not cooperate. I'm getting majorly down about it, but trying to just keep my nose to the grindstone and hope it gets better. It seems like my body is fighting not wanting to go below 250. I hit 254, then back to 257, then slowly down to 254, back to 257, its frustrating me!!! I've tried to change things up, I'm still doing at least 30 of cardio everyday, so far have not missed a day! I made myself go clothes shopping today (my gma wanted to get me some for christmas), and even though I didn't want to go, I got up and went, and it helped some with the frustrations, though not as much as I had wanted. I got 2 pairs of 24 jeans (one was loose in the waist, but perfect in hips), and a size 22 pair of jeans. So at least I know I'm not going back up. Ugghhh.

I've started having nightmares again. I wish I knew what causes them. The one I had last week or so was the worst. I was quite shaken from it for most of the day. I'm exhausted from little sleep (and D has been up WAY early lately), and I don't WANT to sleep since these royally suck. So I'm tired, cranky, no fun. I'm thinking I'm going to make myself go to bed early tonite and just see how it goes. Please pray, these are kicking my butt.

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