Friday, November 7, 2008

More tummy issues...

I haven't posted on here about my tummy issues recently but this I need to share. I've posted before about the issues I've had with not "going" but every 2-3 days, and sometimes it gets really painful. I believe its because my colon was so stretched out from my previous diet, that it just is having trouble adapting to the new one.

Well last Thursday or Friday, I had a bowel movement. I did not have another until Tuesday of this week. Monday evening I took a stool softener/laxative. Tuesday morning, nothing, so I took another. This set off a day, afternoon and evening of misery. I'll spare you the details on that. However, when I woke up this morning (Friday), I had not had another BM since then. And I woke up in a LOT of pain. Unfortunately, I can't get into my doctor til next week :( After over an hour in the bathroom, I finally had SOMETHING happen. So that eased it off a bit, but I'm still really sore. When I talked to the nurse, she said they want to refer me to a gastroenterologist(sp?), but want to see me first next week, so we'll see how that goes. Something has to change, this is ridiculous.

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