Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Today is a GI day *updated*

*Update* I went to the GI doc. She checked me over fully...and omg do I MEAN fully...I was quite violated! lol She took some blood, and I'm goin tomorrow for an abdominal ultrasound to make sure there are no obstructions. If it shows clear, I'll be starting on Miralax for the next 3 months, and then we'll go from there. She also suggested I had more healthy oils to my diet, like olive oil, and mainly flaxseed oil. She suggested a breakfast of oatmeal, with some of this cinnamon flaxseed oil you can find at Central Market. Needless to say, I did like her, she was really down to earth. I already have a followup visit scheduled for February. So theres your update. I'm still feeling pretty violated. I didn't even get treated to dinner first. :( Oh well, she was gentle enough. *Update*

Yup, today I go see the GI doc (actually I think she's an internal medicine doc, but close enough) to get my lower body all checked out. I'm extremely frustrated with things as they are, and ready to get some help. Please be praying for wisdom for the doc, that she can pinpoint what needs to be done, or what I can be doing to help this out.

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