Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A stormy night

Yeah, I was up half the night from it. D was awake at 2am, in my room, but fortunately, he went back to bed and slept the rest of the night. But he sure had to complain this morning about the "thunder last night that hurt my ears outside", he was quite perturbed...hehehe its so fascinating to me to hear him putting this stuff together and having complete thoughts about things, and remembering. He's telling me more lately about school, what he does, what he does not do, and I'm loving it!

I made an appt with a GI doctor for next week, so hopefully I can get some answers for the bowel issues that are plaguing me and which I am pretty certain, are keeping me from losing even more weight. Its frustrating to me! I'll definitely update after that appt.

Tomorrow is a big day for us, not only is it a splurge night (yummy fast food!!! I'm gettin whataburger!), but its the 6 month anniversary of the diet for Beth and I, and goodness knows I couldn't be more excited. My goal has been to hit 255 by then, and I'm SO FREAKIN CLOSE. I weighed in at 256 this morning, so going to keep this a light day today, and hopefully if I can have a BM, it will put me at the mark. Here's hoping, anyway, those darn BMs don't come easily!! If not, I'm sure I'll hit 255 sometime this week, which is still awesome, but oh, to hit it in the morning...that would ROCK.

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