Thursday, February 5, 2009

I needed a quick dinner

D had been in trouble in the morning so I told him no tv before dinner (he unwinds from daycare while I cook). Well I had a feeling he would melt DOWN, so I decided on a VERY easily fixed

B: Apple cinnamon cheerios and skim milk
S: Banana
L: Lean Cuisine french bread pepperoni pizza
S: Fat free yogurt and 100 cal minibag of popcorn
D: 2 hotdogs on whole wheat bread with half a slice of cheese on each and a little Miracle Whip, carrots, lowfat cottage cheese
S: minifudgsicle

Cals: 1601 calories

Output: 50 crunches, 20 modified pushups, and 30 min of Wii Tennis

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