Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Not too much to say for today, as it was a typical day, though I have lots more to say about Wednesday so keeping this one short.

I crapped out on logging my food so I don't know cals on some of it, but here it is: breakfast was a cereal bar. Lunch was a Lean Cuisine pizza. In the afternoon, I was CRAVING chocolate and ended up having a Hersheys bar with almonds. Then I had my yogurt. Dinner was the rest of the porkchops plus spaghetti, green beans, oranges. Then in the evening, I made some iced tea, but ran out of sweet n low. I had a bad caffeine headache so I ended up making sweet tea with actual sugar, and then had a 100 cal bag of popcorn to go with it. Not all great choices, but I did promise to write it all down, I think that kept it from getting worse.

Output: I got up early to work out, did the 30 minute WATP. Then in the evening, I did 30 min on the bike to finish up my hour.

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