Friday, December 5, 2008

So, the new tactic...

I think I might be on to something with upping calories. I think my body was definitely in starvation mode and its fighting coming out of it with a vengeance. I had a massive headache all day yesterday, and so far today, still have the crazy headache, plus a tummy ache. And ibuprofen is not taking this headache away. I had 800 mg yesterday and it did nada. *sigh*

So I guess I gotta wait and let my body adjust, hopefully the pounds will start moving here soon. I haven't really felt up to eating this morning, but I did have a banana and some hot cocoa, spiked with coffee. Apparently, my new body is COLD all the time! Blah...I was laughing at work yesterday because I used to always be the one complaining about how stuffy it was back here. But now, I'm the one bundled up in a jacket when everyone else is fine. THAT was an interesting turn of events, and one I didn't expect!

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