Tuesday, December 16, 2008

If D knew how to cuss...

and I'm very fortunate that he does not yet, but he SO would have this morning, when he got his first taste of ice. I sent him out to the car this morning, not realizing that our patio was iced over. Two seconds later, D went bottom first on to the ground. Does it make me a bad mom that I cracked up laughing? The expression on his face was just PRICELESS! It was truly a "WTF!" moment. And the po baby could not get up by himself either. OMG, po thing. lol The next ten minutes, alllll the way to school, he kept exclaiming to himself, "I slipped! I slipped!" He just couldn't get past it.

In other news...I'm even more injured now. :( My thigh (pulled muscle) has been doing "ok" but it has its moments. It was fine at walmart last night and my workout, but a bit later, I was just walking back from the bathroom, it spasmed and made my knee go weak and give out...I went knee first into the tile. So now my knee is all nice and bruised. Its actually kinda purty. Blech. IT hurts like heck but I'm very well drugged up on ibuprofen right now so its feeling somewhat better. Prayers for swift healing are always greatly appreciated!

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