Friday, October 31, 2008

Even MORE optimistic

That tomorrow's weigh-in might really show this plateau busted! Come onnnnnnnnn Saturday weigh-in!!

Tonite was a lot of fun. We tried out this mexican food restaurant in East Plano, Aparicios, and it was YUM! We sat out on the patio, it was nice and cool, the kids were behaving VERY well, and it was an enjoyable dinner! After that, we hit up a fall festival (check the mom2lild blog for pics of that).

In good news...I got an appointment with a neuropsychologist for D to have a battery of tests done. I spoke with him today and feel pretty confidant in seeing him and putting D through this. He said it will probably take about 4 hours, BUT we got a Saturday appt! So no missing work for it. Whew. I'll be sure to update how things go.

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