Friday, January 16, 2009

I hate figuring out

Lunches are so easy, doing frozen meals or a sandwich. So last night we had a sandwich for dinner too. After being up since 6am, at work all day, I just don't wanna even think about cooking at 5:45 or 6 when we finally get home. I have no idea whats for dinner. Shoot, we might just do pbj's tonite, or spaghetti. Have I mentioned how much I hate to cook? I CAN, but its just so timeconsuming, urggh, I don't wanna do it.

Ok enough whining.

B: apple cinnamon cheerios and skim milk
S: orange and a cup of popcorn
L: Lean Cuisine Deep Dish 3 Meat Pizza
S: Fatfree yogurt and half a serving of almonds
D: Spaghetti, and a slice of whole wheat bread with a bit of butter and jelly (it was a SEVERE craving I had when I got home while cooking

Cals: 1576 calories

Output: 30 minutes of Wii Tennis and about 20 minutes of dancing with my ipod on

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