Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Could use some motivation

Some SERIOUS motivation...yeah I've been working out every day, and I like the way I feel after doing it. And I've been eating decent, keeping to my calories. But this week I'm having a serious problem with feeling it. Feeling ANYTHING. I'm on a plateau and its getting frustrating. I HATE this. My body does NOT want to go to 40 lbs lost. It just won't do it! Of course it doesn't help that finances are so WAY tight right now, you could bounce a quarter off of them...if I HAD a quarter. Thats why I haven't posted as much on here. I wish I could be excited about the way all my clothes are loose, or that I truly am down a full size, that shopping is easier, but I just can't be right now. This doesn't count all the other stresses going on right now that I can't talk about on here. I need a hug.

We're going to the circus tonite which in retrospect I probably should not have bought tickets for last week, but oh well. Hopefully, we'll have fun, I know D will love it and thats all that matters.

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