Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A new month, almost a new year, and a new beginning

Its December 1st...and I've come to the realization that I've now gained back most of what I had lost. I decided a few weeks ago to start with a personal trainer, and found an awesome chick who was willing to, well, personal train me. We had our first session this evening, did all the first stuff like weight, measurements, etc, plus a full run through of my plan. I knew from this mornings weigh-in (I had not weighed since the half marathon over two months ago), that it was going to be bad, so I was prepared. But I sure am not happy about it. So I am using this as further motivation. Our session went really well! She has a plan for me all drawn up, that I will be doing 3 days a week, and its going to WORK ME. I feel really good about it tonite though. Like I'm abit achy, but its a GOOD achy, I feel energized. So I can't wait to see where this goes!

I'll start posting updates again, so might as well get real here. I started this whole process over a year and a half ago at what I think was 350-360 lbs. I don't know for certain as I didn't have a scale at the time, but based on where I am now, and knowing I'm not quite back to that yet (we originally assumed 330), that's my best guess. In a sense I feel like I'm starting over, and in many ways I am.

Starting weight today: 335.8 lbs.

I'm not sure whether or not I will start posting food intake on here again, it gets tedious to do it in two places. But I am going to start counting cals again tomorrow on my phone. And I will keep posting my weight every week, I think. We'll see, I need to tweak it as I go.

That's all for tonite, I'm also battling an Upper Respiratory Infection, so it's been a few long nights! But hopefully I'll start getting better there too.


Issysmommy said...

I am so proud of you for your authenticity and honesty!!! You are an amazing friend!

Unknown said...

I know one thing: you have worked hard for those 30ish pounds. HARD HARD HARD! But I sensed from your last several posts that you hsd lost your vision. Brandi, you have to do this for yourself. By yourself. No accountability parter or trainer can do it for you. This is ALL YOU girl! Fast food cannot be an option. Chick-fil-A...is a weakness. Buckle down and don't set yourself up to fail (do not turn your car into a fast food restaurant...do not buy and bring home foods that you know you will regret eating). Do not let a sweeper van be an option WHEN you do the 3 day next year. NOT AN OPTION. PERIOD. You will NOT need that crutch unless something terribly UNEXPECTED goes wrong. You have a year train...you WILL be able and in shape to walk for 3 days. Sweeper vans are for the injured and old. Start running and eating healthy. Just because it's low fat doesn't mean it's healthy. It chalk full of sodium and preservatives. Eat raw veggies even if they're smothered in fat free ranch.
Stick with your trainer and DO THIS! I have followed your blog(s) since your weight loss journey began...make this the last new beginning.