Wednesday, August 20, 2008

YAY another size down!

I'm excited. Not too long ago, Dina on DAM hooked me up with two pairs of size 24W capris. I NEVER thought I'd get to that size, having started at 30/32s (and some of those were too small!). But...I wore one pair of them on Sunday! YAY! My other friend, Melissa (in Missouri) sent me a skirt that is 24W, and it fits too! Well, ok, it fits if I'm standing up. Its a straight, knee length skirt, so its tight when sitting, but heck yeah, standing up counts! I'm so ready to get on with getting below a 20. I have no idea what my final goal is for clothing size, but I'd be ecstatic to get below an 18 someday. lol Rock on!

1 comment:

Mina 4 said...

go to www.1godstrong and check out 12 week transformation party, if you are interested in the next one that starts Sat Aug 23rd or the one in Jan go to and leave a comment on contact page