Wednesday, June 24, 2009

An ok day...

I had a better day today than yesterday. I gave myself the leniency to have something I'd been wanting but can't usually have due to the diet, not a "splurge" per se, but it wasn't something I normally allow myself.

I had a chocolate donut for breakfast. My coworker brought them in for his birthday, and I looked at my Fiber One bar, looked at the donut, looked up cals, and then swapped out the Fiber bar for the donut. And it was totally worth it. lol A bit later, I had half a banana (cause the other half was YUCKY). Lunch was a Weight Watchers Ziti meal. My afternoon snack was a fat free yogurt. Dinner was Taco Bell. I didn't have the strength to resist going but I didn't do BAD. I ended up having a pintos n cheese, and 2 chicken soft tacos. Later in the evening, I had a packet of instant oatmeal (don't ask why, it sounded good at the to end my day at 1376 calories.

Output: got up early this morning and did the 32 minute WATP. This evening, D and I did about 30 minutes of a fast jam session. We were both sweaty and giggly when it was over, I think we both needed that!

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